Ready To Be Pain Free?

Remedial & Sports Massage

Massage therapy is one of the most researched and trusted recovery modalities to date.

Remedial and sports massage are both very similar in the fact that they are focused on targeting a specific dysfunctional muscle or muscle groups within the body.

These dysfunctional muscles can produce trigger points over time which can lead to the development of local and referred pain, as well as a loss of range of motion within the muscle.

Sports massage is a little more refined to an individuals needs, particularly if they have a chosen sport they participate in.

At Twitch Theory, we've found a combination of remedial/sports massage works wonders when combined with dry needling therapy.

Dry Needling

In its simplest form, dry needling is the process of treating muscular pain and dysfunction using acupuncture needles.

Dry needling helps to relax tight, tort bands of muscle fibres (myofascial trigger points) via a local β€˜twitch’ response. This twitch response is produced when an acupuncture needle is inserted into a trigger point, causing a contraction, followed by the relaxing of the muscle.



I’m Nelson Woods, head therapist and founder of Twitch Theory. Since starting my remedial massage journey in 2020, I have worked with a wide range of gen-pop clientele and sporting people, ranging from elite level powerlifters, crossFit athletes, bodybuilders, track & field as well as rugby league players and martial artists. I, myself, have competed at an international level in karate and at a national level for powerlifting.

I’m super passionate when it comes to helping individuals resolve their muscular niggles using extensive soft tissue and dry needling techniques, catered to the individuals needs.


  • Certificate IV & Diploma of Remedial Massage (HLT52015)

  • Intro, Advanced & Masterclass certificates in dry needling (CPD Health Courses)